Monthly Archives: January 2013

On October 24, 2012, our fifth graders participated in the LIVE Webcast, "Taylor Swift: Read Every Day".  Taylor had just released her fourth studio album, RED, on October 22.  She shared "where reading can take you", and how great literature has inspired her writing.  She shared some of her favorite books that had made a lasting impression and that had helped to shape her journey.  Our fifth graders each made his/her own unique bookprint (the list of five books that leave an indelible mark on our lives, shaping who we are and who we become).  After sharing these with classmates, students posted them over their lockers.  Our hallway is now surrounded by a bookshelf of early childhood favorites to present day series in progress.  You are what you read!

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As promised, our final world changer projects are here for you to enjoy.  Just click on "World Changer Projects" on the page bar at the top of our blog.  Then it will take one more click, and you will be able to view students' projects that were made on  Symbols were chosen that had a special meaning or represented a specific passion, and then they were filled with necessary character traits to fulfill these personal dreams.  These were framed and taken home to be a reminder of our World Changer project.


It all began with a social studies unit on early explorers.  Students began by asking, "What made Columbus tick?"  Collaborative and inquiry groups began to study a variety of explorers and to chart and compare, "What qualities made the difference in his and other early explorers' successes?"  After compiling an extensive list of early explorer qualities, the question arose, "Would modern day 'World Changers' possess the same or different qualities?"  Collaborative groups brainstormed a variety of influences that could be considered "World Changing" :  artists, politicians, educators, scientists, ministers, musicians, performers, etc.  Individuals researched people of interest and shared their findings with their collaborative groups.  Students were  surprised to find out how much Columbus had in common with Taylor Swift!  To bring it even closer home, students decided to use some of their interview skills on some of our local role models (our principal, our county prosecuting attorney, a successful local businessman).  The interview questions were formed when the collaborative/inquiry groups studied their previous findings:  Did you have a passion for your life work as a young child?  Did you have a role model that helped to shape you?  Did you have to overcome life changing obstacles?  Did you ever feel like quitting, if so, what kept you going?, etc.  After the holidays, students will culminate the World Changer project.  Final projects will be shared with you!


Parents and friends watch as fifth graders receive Tshirts and certificates signifying that they have completed the 3 month long DARE program with Officer Hassel.  Prior to the graduation, each student shared an essay with classmates about their most meaningful new insights and their commitments to stay DRUG FREE!


Perfect timing!  Right before Christmas Break, our class received a special package from our NZ epals with 8 different bags of "lollies"!  Here are the results of our tasting party.   It was a hard pick, but the results are:

#1  Pascall Minties ("Stop blushing and do the only thing you can do in such sticky situations - make for the Minties!")

#2  Cadbury Pinkies (marshmallow and caramel covered in milk chocolate)

#3  Pascall Pineapple Lumps  (Kiwis discovered a national treasure - pineapple and chocolate!)