Decisions, decisions, decisions…

Our class has been reading Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell.  We noticed that Karana had to make tough decisions when she was left to survive alone on the island.  She had no one to help her make these decisions, and her life often depended on them.   Would you have decided differently?

Would you have burned the village to help erase its emptiness and memories?

Would you have continued the voyage in a leaking canoe, or would you have turned back for the island?

Would you have killed the leader of the wild dogs, or would you have befriended him?

Would you go against the tribal law to make weapons, or would this cause bad luck?

Would you leave the island with strangers or stay there alone?


18 thoughts on “Decisions, decisions, decisions…

  1. Sunny

    I would have gone on in the leaking canoe. Since I was so lonely, I would have taken the chance. Maybe I could find my family.

  2. mrsdongell

    Post author

    I would have killed the dog because he killed my brother; also because he seems like a threat.


  3. Banana

    I wouldn’t burn the village because I would have stayed and used the huts and eaten the food.

    Also, I wouldn’t kill the dog, because he could help me with all kinds of things. For example,in the book Karana used him to watch the fish. Sure, I would be mad at him forever, but he would be a great help and friend. It’s a very good book!

  4. lazer girl

    I really do agree with banana. Because I would not have to go through all the work to be able to build just one hut for myself. Also I would have extra food. I would go against the tribal law, because I would need some kind of thing to protect me. Also, I would not continue my voyage in the leaking canoe, because I could get hurt.
    lazer girl:O

  5. never mind

    1.I would not have burned the village,because I would have used the stuff, and I would have slept in the hut. 2. I would have turned back, because it was leaking and my hands were bleeding. What if I got lost, or if it was FAR away? 3.I would not have killed the leader of the pack if he was my friend, but if he was not then MAYBE. (because I LOVE dogs). 4.I would have made weapons, because what if I REALLY needed one and didn’t have it. And I would NOT have gone with the strangers. What if they try to kill me or something? What would you do?

  6. joejr

    * I would not have burned the village, because I would save it so I would have shelter.
    * I would have continued my voyage, because I would get to see some people and family and wouldn’t be alone all the time.
    * I would have killed the leader, because he’s been eating all my food and he killed my brother.
    * I would make weapons, because I would need some protection.
    * I would leave the island, beacause I think it would be nice to actually see people.


    I would burn the village down because all my happy thoughts are there ! 🙁 She was really sad when the boat left and her brother died.

  8. musketeer

    I would have definitely gone against the rules to make weapons. Karana needed something to protect her or the wild dogs would have probably have eaten her by now! I wouldn’t care if they said that bad luck would fall upon them, after all that might not even be true.


  9. Dingbat

    I would have killed the wild dogs because they killed my brother. I also would not have burned the village down in case my other places were destroyed, and I wouldn’t want to lose the memories of my tribe members.

  10. Blue Dragon

    I would not burn down the village because I would use one of shelters to live in,and I would not kill the wild dog because it would not fell right to kill him.

  11. jollyrancher

    I concur with nevermind about turning back to the island. I would’ve turned back because my hands were bleeding and my canoe was leaking,but I would have been dissapointed not to find my people.What would you have done?

  12. Anonymous

    Island of the Blue Dolphins is a really good book. When she got left on the island with her brother alone, I would have tried to get the canoe. I’d have my brother get the canoe so I wouldn’t get killed.

    Daffy Duck

  13. hanburger

    I agree with blue dragon.I wouldn’t of burned down the village , because we could live in one of the shelters.I would’ve killed all the wild dogs, because they killed my brother.

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