Monthly Archives: October 2013


Students were meeting their new anole friends for the first time, when one particular little guy decided to be extra friendly. Our student recalls, "I was just sitting there all innocently when he decided to jump on my face. Then he proceeded to mountain climb up my bangs!" Not a dull moment at Bremen Elementary!image

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As part of our "Meeting Challenges" unit, each student used the Show Me app to interview a person of their choice. Collaborative groups formulated a list of possible interview questions: e.g. What is an obstacle you have faced? How did you overcome it? Did anyone help you? Did you ever feel like quitting? What advice do you have for others? Students shared their interview project results with classmates. As a result, we invited one father to visit our class for a personal interview about how he had come from a poor,immigrant family. He shared how his personal struggles had strengthened him, and today he is a successful,family, businessman. What an inspiration!image
