Super Researchers

As our class read Scott O'Dell's Island of the Blue Dolphins , some students became interested in learning more about related subjects:  comorant, devil fish, yucca plants, Aleutians, olivella shells, abalones, mussels, scallops, sea elephants, wild dogs, sea otters, Scott O'Dell, & the true story of Karana.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    After doing some voluntary research, these students shared interesting information with their classmates.  Later, they combined their findings to create an attractive and informative bulletin board for our room!  Thank you, researchers!  Perhaps some of you would like to make a comment sharing something interesting that you learned.

14 thoughts on “Super Researchers

  1. Spiker

    I love the board guys.
    Looks great because I helped! Just kidding, it would have looked good if I didn’t help.

  2. Marcia Grandma Brooke

    The Blue Dolphin board is awesome! It looks like it has some great pictures and some great information. Keep up the hard work… will all
    pay off in your “bright” futures! Have fun, be
    good, learn lots!

  3. ghost

    I learned that bull elephant seals average weigh is up to 4,000-8,800 pounds, and the bigest is 11,000 lbs.

  4. Songbird

    Wow! What a great project! It looks great! Isn’t it fun to visit different places when you read? You can take lots of mini vacations in books without ever leaving your desk. Keep reading….Oh, the Places You’ll Go!!

  5. banana

    One of the things I learned was that the average weight for a Sea Elephant ‘s weight was 8,800 pounds!I learned so much by just one book ! Imagine what I could learn if I read 10 books!

  6. joejr

    I learned the kinds of some animals. I never knew that there was such a thing called the devil fish or the sea elephants. It’s amazing how much you can learn by reading a book.

  7. Spiker

    When I was researching topics I found out that devil fish are either a manta ray or an octopus. I also found out the Aleut people are the people from the Aleutian Islands. While my classmate was talking about her research, I learned about the true story of Karana.

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